Andrea Fiumicelli (Fiumix)
In 1989 opens the studio ‘Fiumix & Quila Tattoo’ in Cittadella, near Padua. He worked numerous tattoo conventions in Europe during the last two decades. In 2001 the was the launch of the book ‘nessuna speranza, nessuna paura’ (no hope, no fear) totally dedicated to a full body tattooed by Fiumix.
In 2013 in the book “Black Tattoo Art 2” in the chapter on the Nordic and Celtic tattoos. Always attracted by tribal cultures, he pushed his research towards the european tribal roots, not only Celtic but mostly Venetian and pre-roman of north east Italy. In particular from the archeological findings of Ötzi and the cultures of the Iron Age and Hallstat, Fiumix gets his inspiration which he translates into tattoos with his very personal style.